Jan 31, 2019
In this episode of the Maine Wildlife Management podcast we're discoing DIY advice for trapping flying squirrels. While one of the best ways for handling flying squirrels is to seal up the entire home and instilling one way doors, that isn't always practical or cost-effective. For those times when trapping and removal...
Nov 7, 2018
Why Relocating in the Winter isn't Always A Good Idea. Relocating, removal, one way doors, lethal and live trapping are all tools that the professional wildlife control agent uses to help resolve wildlife conflicts with people. However, things aren't as easy as just setting trap and walking away. Especially if you...
Sep 24, 2018
The weather is starting to drop off pretty hard lately. Our phones have been ringing with flying squirrels and mice moving into homes. They're seeking the warmth and comfort of living inside your home.
We always recommend a full home exclusion in almost all cases. However, some scenarios just trapping and keeping the...
Sep 4, 2018
There are a number of common failure points along the foundation of your home. Mice and rats will exploit these gaps and holes all the time and get inside. Some folks will go their whole lives and never even be aware that these gaps and areas exist. In this episode of the Maine Wildlife Management Podcast we break down...
Aug 28, 2018
This topic stemmed from a recent overload of folks calling in with problems with animals they caught that they did not intend to. Typically someone will set a trap for a mouse/rat/squirrel and winds up with a large species like raccoon/skunk/groundhog. A little advance planning is always a good idea when setting...